How to hire to scale IT?

The IT landscape has changed dramatically in the last few years. With the advancement in cloud technologies, many jobs are becoming irrelevant and it’s easier than ever to scale your company. Today it is possible to smoothly transition from a small business into a multi thousand employee enterprise without increasing your IT staff a hundred-fold. The key is to hire the right people. Historically, staffing is based on workload. The more employee, system or location you needed to support, the more people you needed.

Why security awareness training are useless in stopping successful phishing attacks!

Most companies fell a victim of a phishing attack. In fact based on the latest dbir report ~40% of all attacks uses phishing. Almost every security professional will tell you that you need to have security awareness campaigns to educate your users. Apparently, everybody agrees that user training is key to avoid security breach. Despite that attackers use phishing very successfully in most of their operations. Many of their victims conduct regular awareness training using top providers.

About electric clouds and why to use them.

There is a change of tide recently in the way IT is operated; it’s the era of the cloud. Not the white fluffy phenomena in the sky, but the ones running in datacenters. Not all electric cloud is the same. There are three different types SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service). What’s common in all cloud service is the shared responsibility between the cloud provider and you.

Five security technology that makes your company more productive!

When it comes to security the cost in productivity is often high. Every one in the company spends seconds on entering passwords, minutes on waiting for updates and hours on filling out forms or opening tickets. Large investments made in security tools slowing down systems. However, not all security measures are bad for productivity. I will give you 5 examples where security will boost your companies productivity and make your employees smile.

How to avoid malicious software?

We all struggle to find the right balance of productivity and security. If you search the internet you will find stories and articles about the dangers of downloading an application. After reading these stories you will be very uncomfortable with installing any application. However, using applications is the very point of having a computer. This post will help you to find the right balance between security and productivity when running an application on your home computer and in an enterprise.

What should every manufacturing company’s IT manager learn from startups?

John the IT manager’s every day was the same. He went into work and made sure that leaders in the company can email and the company network is in reasonable shape. Made sure that outdated hardware is replaced when budget allowed, and in general that IT keeps up with updates. Of course, with the limited resources he had couldn’t get everything patched and AV was a constant headache as it slowed down some of the older workstations.